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Free DJ Nights Robbie Rivera Get DJ Nights Robbie Rivera for free with Swagbucks

DJ Nights Robbie Rivera

Details on the Free DJ Nights Robbie Rivera

DJ Nights Robbie Rivera is a high-quality, energizing music game for all House fans. With this music game, you'll be drawn into Robbie's greatest hits! DJ Nights is played by tapping and scratching on a virtual turntable. The game is also more challenging than other iPhone games because if you miss a note or a scratch, it won't be played. Play and feel like you're in a real nightclub with beautiful graphics and super colorful lights inspired in the best places around the word. Checkout the hits available in the game: 6AM Departures Closer to the sun I'm a badass You got to make it Your door We live for the music Keep on going Stand by me Rock the disco Let me sip my drink You'll never know

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