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Free Doodle God Get Doodle God for free with Swagbucks

Doodle God

Details on the Free Doodle God

What's inside your iPhone? Circuits, microchips, batteries? No! Your iPhone is full of fire, water, earth and air! What do you do with your iPhone? Make calls, send texts, check emails? Boring! With Doodle God you can create storms, build armies, grow a civilization and drink vodka! Doodle God puts the power of creation in your hands. Mixing and matching different elements, work your way up, all the way from bacteria and beetles, to clay and ceramics, to tools, weapons and beyond! But beware, creating a whole world is not so easy, inventing the wheel might just end in a plague of zombies. Don't worry though; you're not completely alone on your cosmic journey! Every time you successfully create a new item or procedure, you'll also be rewarded with the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest philosophers and comedians! Clear, colorful graphics bring the rise and fall of mighty empires to your iPhone screen. Unleash your inner god with Doodle God! - Mould the 4 basic elements to your whim! - Create 300+ advanced items and concepts! - Intuitive one-click gameplay encourages thoughtful, creative play! - Hundreds of interesting, funny and thought-provoking quotes and sayings! - Mini-Games section for arcade fans! - Extra content for Fan Club members!

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